Schwetzingerstraße 91, 69190 Walldorf, Germany
We are in Southwest Germany between Mannheim and Heilbronn (A6) and Karlsruhe and Frankfurt (A5), near the highway triangle A5 & A6.
Deutsche Bahn online. You can find all the information for coming by train.
The name of the Railway Station is Astoria-Halle Walldorf
Frankfurt-Hahn bei Koblenz, about 200 km north-east, near the A61.
There are a lot of cheap flights from Rynair available from the big citys in europe. With the Shuttle-Bus from the airport Hahn you arrive at the main station in Heidelberg for about 20 € per journey and person.
Airport Frankfurt, about 90 km north, near the A5.
From the airport Frankfurt you can go on by train (Airport Frankfurt - Main Station Frankfurt - Railway Station Wiesloch-Walldorf (Baden)). Take a look at "by Train".
Other Airports:
Airport Baden-Baden, about 80 km south, near Karlsruhe, near the A5
Flughafen Stuttgart, ca. 100 km süd-ost, an der A8
Flughafen Bonn-Köln, ca. 270 km nord-nord-west, an der A3
Attention: We are NOT near Frankfurt (Mörfelden-Walldorf), but 80 km south, near Heidelberg and Hockenheim.